area measurement online conversion

Area Conversion Settings

Number of decimal places

Round fraction to the nearest


Free Online Area Measurement Converter

The Online Area Converter from Intemodino is a free online area conversion service that allows you to convert area units in Standard (US), Imperial and Metric systems. You can convert square inches (sq in), square feet (sq ft), square yards (sq yd), acres (ac), square miles (sq mi), square millimeters (mm²), square centimeters (cm²), square decimeters (dm²), square meters (m²), hectares (ha), square kilometers (km²).
Intemodino Area Converter is really easy to use and absolutely free.
You can convert area values in decimal format as well as in fractional format. If you would like to switch input between decimal values and fractions please click the switch button ('⊟'/'▭').
To get the result - just select the from and to area units, enter the value and click the 'CONVERT' button.

Ha conversion formulas and factors

The ha to a conversion factor is 100
1 ha = 100 a
To convert X hectares to ares you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 100 = Result in ares

The ha to township conversion factor is 0.00010725
1 ha = 0.00010725 township
To convert X hectares to townships you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 0.00010725 = Result in townships

The ha to sq ch conversion factor is 24.71053815
1 ha = 24.71053815 sq ch
To convert X hectares to square chains you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 24.71053815 = Result in square chains

The ha to sq rd conversion factor is 395.36861035
1 ha = 395.36861035 sq rd
To convert X hectares to square rods you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 395.36861035 = Result in square rods

The ha to sq conversion factor is 1076.39104167
1 ha = 1076.39104167 sq
To convert X hectares to squares you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 1076.39104167 = Result in squares

The ha to sq lnk conversion factor is 247105.38146717
1 ha = 247105.38146717 sq lnk
To convert X hectares to square links you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 247105.38146717 = Result in square links

The ha to sq mil conversion factor is 15500031000062.00195312
1 ha = 15500031000062.00195312 sq mil
To convert X hectares to square mils you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 15500031000062.00195312 = Result in square mils

The ha to km² conversion factor is 0.01
1 ha = 0.01 km²
To convert X hectares to square kilometers you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 0.01 = Result in square kilometers

The ha to conversion factor is 10000
1 ha = 10000
To convert X hectares to square meters you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 10000 = Result in square meters

The ha to dm² conversion factor is 1000000
1 ha = 1000000 dm²
To convert X hectares to square decimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 1000000 = Result in square decimeters

The ha to cm² conversion factor is 100000000
1 ha = 100000000 cm²
To convert X hectares to square centimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 100000000 = Result in square centimeters

The ha to mm² conversion factor is 10000000000
1 ha = 10000000000 mm²
To convert X hectares to square millimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 10000000000 = Result in square millimeters

The ha to sq mi conversion factor is 0.00386102
1 ha = 0.00386102 sq mi
To convert X hectares to square miles you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 0.00386102 = Result in square miles

The ha to ac conversion factor is 2.47105381
1 ha = 2.47105381 ac
To convert X hectares to acres you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 2.47105381 = Result in acres

The ha to sq yd conversion factor is 11959.90046301
1 ha = 11959.90046301 sq yd
To convert X hectares to square yards you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 11959.90046301 = Result in square yards

The ha to sq ft conversion factor is 107639.1041671
1 ha = 107639.1041671 sq ft
To convert X hectares to square feet you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 107639.1041671 = Result in square feet

The ha to sq in conversion factor is 15500031.000062
1 ha = 15500031.000062 sq in
To convert X hectares to square inches you should use the following conversion formula:
X hectares × 15500031.000062 = Result in square inches

Ha conversion chart/table

1 ha = 100 a
1 ha = 0.00010725 township
1 ha = 24.71053815 sq ch
1 ha = 395.36861035 sq rd
1 ha = 1076.39104167 sq
1 ha = 247105.38146717 sq lnk
1 ha = 15500031000062.00195312 sq mil
1 ha = 0.01 km²
1 ha = 10000 m²
1 ha = 1000000 dm²
1 ha = 100000000 cm²
1 ha = 10000000000 mm²
1 ha = 0.00386102 sq mi
1 ha = 2.47105381 ac
1 ha = 11959.90046301 sq yd
1 ha = 107639.1041671 sq ft
1 ha = 15500031.000062 sq in

M² conversion formulas and factors

The to a conversion factor is 0.01
1 = 0.01 a
To convert X square meters to ares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.01 = Result in ares

The to township conversion factor is 0.00000001
1 = 0.00000001 township
To convert X square meters to townships you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.00000001 = Result in townships

The to sq ch conversion factor is 0.00247105
1 = 0.00247105 sq ch
To convert X square meters to square chains you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.00247105 = Result in square chains

The to sq rd conversion factor is 0.03953686
1 = 0.03953686 sq rd
To convert X square meters to square rods you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.03953686 = Result in square rods

The to sq conversion factor is 0.1076391
1 = 0.1076391 sq
To convert X square meters to squares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.1076391 = Result in squares

The to sq lnk conversion factor is 24.71053815
1 = 24.71053815 sq lnk
To convert X square meters to square links you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 24.71053815 = Result in square links

The to sq mil conversion factor is 1550003100.00620008
1 = 1550003100.00620008 sq mil
To convert X square meters to square mils you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 1550003100.00620008 = Result in square mils

The to km² conversion factor is 0.000001
1 = 0.000001 km²
To convert X square meters to square kilometers you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.000001 = Result in square kilometers

The to ha conversion factor is 0.0001
1 = 0.0001 ha
To convert X square meters to hectares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.0001 = Result in hectares

The to dm² conversion factor is 100
1 = 100 dm²
To convert X square meters to square decimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 100 = Result in square decimeters

The to cm² conversion factor is 10000
1 = 10000 cm²
To convert X square meters to square centimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 10000 = Result in square centimeters

The to mm² conversion factor is 1000000
1 = 1000000 mm²
To convert X square meters to square millimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 1000000 = Result in square millimeters

The to sq mi conversion factor is 0.00000039
1 = 0.00000039 sq mi
To convert X square meters to square miles you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.00000039 = Result in square miles

The to ac conversion factor is 0.00024711
1 = 0.00024711 ac
To convert X square meters to acres you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 0.00024711 = Result in acres

The to sq yd conversion factor is 1.19599005
1 = 1.19599005 sq yd
To convert X square meters to square yards you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 1.19599005 = Result in square yards

The to sq ft conversion factor is 10.76391042
1 = 10.76391042 sq ft
To convert X square meters to square feet you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 10.76391042 = Result in square feet

The to sq in conversion factor is 1550.00310001
1 = 1550.00310001 sq in
To convert X square meters to square inches you should use the following conversion formula:
X square meters × 1550.00310001 = Result in square inches

M² conversion chart/table

1 m² = 0.01 a
1 m² = 0.00000001 township
1 m² = 0.00247105 sq ch
1 m² = 0.03953686 sq rd
1 m² = 0.1076391 sq
1 m² = 24.71053815 sq lnk
1 m² = 1550003100.00620008 sq mil
1 m² = 0.000001 km²
1 m² = 0.0001 ha
1 m² = 100 dm²
1 m² = 10000 cm²
1 m² = 1000000 mm²
1 m² = 0.00000039 sq mi
1 m² = 0.00024711 ac
1 m² = 1.19599005 sq yd
1 m² = 10.76391042 sq ft
1 m² = 1550.00310001 sq in

Sq yd conversion formulas and factors

The sq yd to a conversion factor is 0.00836127
1 sq yd = 0.00836127 a
To convert X square yards to ares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.00836127 = Result in ares

The sq yd to township conversion factor is 0.00000001
1 sq yd = 0.00000001 township
To convert X square yards to townships you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.00000001 = Result in townships

The sq yd to sq ch conversion factor is 0.00206612
1 sq yd = 0.00206612 sq ch
To convert X square yards to square chains you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.00206612 = Result in square chains

The sq yd to sq rd conversion factor is 0.03305785
1 sq yd = 0.03305785 sq rd
To convert X square yards to square rods you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.03305785 = Result in square rods

The sq yd to sq conversion factor is 0.09
1 sq yd = 0.09 sq
To convert X square yards to squares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.09 = Result in squares

The sq yd to sq lnk conversion factor is 20.66115702
1 sq yd = 20.66115702 sq lnk
To convert X square yards to square links you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 20.66115702 = Result in square links

The sq yd to sq mil conversion factor is 1296000000
1 sq yd = 1296000000 sq mil
To convert X square yards to square mils you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 1296000000 = Result in square mils

The sq yd to km² conversion factor is 0.00000084
1 sq yd = 0.00000084 km²
To convert X square yards to square kilometers you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.00000084 = Result in square kilometers

The sq yd to ha conversion factor is 0.00008361
1 sq yd = 0.00008361 ha
To convert X square yards to hectares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.00008361 = Result in hectares

The sq yd to conversion factor is 0.83612736
1 sq yd = 0.83612736
To convert X square yards to square meters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.83612736 = Result in square meters

The sq yd to dm² conversion factor is 83.612736
1 sq yd = 83.612736 dm²
To convert X square yards to square decimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 83.612736 = Result in square decimeters

The sq yd to cm² conversion factor is 8361.2736
1 sq yd = 8361.2736 cm²
To convert X square yards to square centimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 8361.2736 = Result in square centimeters

The sq yd to mm² conversion factor is 836127.36
1 sq yd = 836127.36 mm²
To convert X square yards to square millimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 836127.36 = Result in square millimeters

The sq yd to sq mi conversion factor is 0.00000032
1 sq yd = 0.00000032 sq mi
To convert X square yards to square miles you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.00000032 = Result in square miles

The sq yd to ac conversion factor is 0.00020661
1 sq yd = 0.00020661 ac
To convert X square yards to acres you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 0.00020661 = Result in acres

The sq yd to sq ft conversion factor is 9
1 sq yd = 9 sq ft
To convert X square yards to square feet you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 9 = Result in square feet

The sq yd to sq in conversion factor is 1296
1 sq yd = 1296 sq in
To convert X square yards to square inches you should use the following conversion formula:
X square yards × 1296 = Result in square inches

Sq yd conversion chart/table

1 sq yd = 0.00836127 a
1 sq yd = 0.00000001 township
1 sq yd = 0.00206612 sq ch
1 sq yd = 0.03305785 sq rd
1 sq yd = 0.09 sq
1 sq yd = 20.66115702 sq lnk
1 sq yd = 1296000000 sq mil
1 sq yd = 0.00000084 km²
1 sq yd = 0.00008361 ha
1 sq yd = 0.83612736 m²
1 sq yd = 83.612736 dm²
1 sq yd = 8361.2736 cm²
1 sq yd = 836127.36 mm²
1 sq yd = 0.00000032 sq mi
1 sq yd = 0.00020661 ac
1 sq yd = 9 sq ft
1 sq yd = 1296 sq in

Sq ft conversion formulas and factors

The sq ft to a conversion factor is 0.00092903
1 sq ft = 0.00092903 a
To convert X square feet to ares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.00092903 = Result in ares

The sq ft to township conversion factor is 9.96391e-10
1 sq ft = 9.96391e-10 township
To convert X square feet to townships you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 9.96391e-10 = Result in townships

The sq ft to sq ch conversion factor is 0.00022957
1 sq ft = 0.00022957 sq ch
To convert X square feet to square chains you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.00022957 = Result in square chains

The sq ft to sq rd conversion factor is 0.00367309
1 sq ft = 0.00367309 sq rd
To convert X square feet to square rods you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.00367309 = Result in square rods

The sq ft to sq conversion factor is 0.01
1 sq ft = 0.01 sq
To convert X square feet to squares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.01 = Result in squares

The sq ft to sq lnk conversion factor is 2.29568411
1 sq ft = 2.29568411 sq lnk
To convert X square feet to square links you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 2.29568411 = Result in square links

The sq ft to sq mil conversion factor is 144000000
1 sq ft = 144000000 sq mil
To convert X square feet to square mils you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 144000000 = Result in square mils

The sq ft to km² conversion factor is 0.00000009
1 sq ft = 0.00000009 km²
To convert X square feet to square kilometers you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.00000009 = Result in square kilometers

The sq ft to ha conversion factor is 0.00000929
1 sq ft = 0.00000929 ha
To convert X square feet to hectares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.00000929 = Result in hectares

The sq ft to conversion factor is 0.09290304
1 sq ft = 0.09290304
To convert X square feet to square meters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.09290304 = Result in square meters

The sq ft to dm² conversion factor is 9.290304
1 sq ft = 9.290304 dm²
To convert X square feet to square decimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 9.290304 = Result in square decimeters

The sq ft to cm² conversion factor is 929.0304
1 sq ft = 929.0304 cm²
To convert X square feet to square centimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 929.0304 = Result in square centimeters

The sq ft to mm² conversion factor is 92903.04
1 sq ft = 92903.04 mm²
To convert X square feet to square millimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 92903.04 = Result in square millimeters

The sq ft to sq mi conversion factor is 0.00000004
1 sq ft = 0.00000004 sq mi
To convert X square feet to square miles you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.00000004 = Result in square miles

The sq ft to ac conversion factor is 0.00002296
1 sq ft = 0.00002296 ac
To convert X square feet to acres you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.00002296 = Result in acres

The sq ft to sq yd conversion factor is 0.11111111
1 sq ft = 0.11111111 sq yd
To convert X square feet to square yards you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 0.11111111 = Result in square yards

The sq ft to sq in conversion factor is 144
1 sq ft = 144 sq in
To convert X square feet to square inches you should use the following conversion formula:
X square feet × 144 = Result in square inches

Sq ft conversion chart/table

1 sq ft = 0.00092903 a
1 sq ft = 9.96391e-10 township
1 sq ft = 0.00022957 sq ch
1 sq ft = 0.00367309 sq rd
1 sq ft = 0.01 sq
1 sq ft = 2.29568411 sq lnk
1 sq ft = 144000000 sq mil
1 sq ft = 0.00000009 km²
1 sq ft = 0.00000929 ha
1 sq ft = 0.09290304 m²
1 sq ft = 9.290304 dm²
1 sq ft = 929.0304 cm²
1 sq ft = 92903.04 mm²
1 sq ft = 0.00000004 sq mi
1 sq ft = 0.00002296 ac
1 sq ft = 0.11111111 sq yd
1 sq ft = 144 sq in

Sq in conversion formulas and factors

The sq in to a conversion factor is 0.00000645
1 sq in = 0.00000645 a
To convert X square inches to ares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00000645 = Result in ares

The sq in to township conversion factor is 6.91938e-12
1 sq in = 6.91938e-12 township
To convert X square inches to townships you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 6.91938e-12 = Result in townships

The sq in to sq ch conversion factor is 0.00000159
1 sq in = 0.00000159 sq ch
To convert X square inches to square chains you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00000159 = Result in square chains

The sq in to sq rd conversion factor is 0.00002551
1 sq in = 0.00002551 sq rd
To convert X square inches to square rods you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00002551 = Result in square rods

The sq in to sq conversion factor is 0.00006944
1 sq in = 0.00006944 sq
To convert X square inches to squares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00006944 = Result in squares

The sq in to sq lnk conversion factor is 0.01594225
1 sq in = 0.01594225 sq lnk
To convert X square inches to square links you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.01594225 = Result in square links

The sq in to sq mil conversion factor is 1000000
1 sq in = 1000000 sq mil
To convert X square inches to square mils you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 1000000 = Result in square mils

The sq in to km² conversion factor is 6.4516e-10
1 sq in = 6.4516e-10 km²
To convert X square inches to square kilometers you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 6.4516e-10 = Result in square kilometers

The sq in to ha conversion factor is 0.00000006
1 sq in = 0.00000006 ha
To convert X square inches to hectares you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00000006 = Result in hectares

The sq in to conversion factor is 0.00064516
1 sq in = 0.00064516
To convert X square inches to square meters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00064516 = Result in square meters

The sq in to dm² conversion factor is 0.064516
1 sq in = 0.064516 dm²
To convert X square inches to square decimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.064516 = Result in square decimeters

The sq in to cm² conversion factor is 6.4516
1 sq in = 6.4516 cm²
To convert X square inches to square centimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 6.4516 = Result in square centimeters

The sq in to mm² conversion factor is 645.16
1 sq in = 645.16 mm²
To convert X square inches to square millimeters you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 645.16 = Result in square millimeters

The sq in to sq mi conversion factor is 2.49098e-10
1 sq in = 2.49098e-10 sq mi
To convert X square inches to square miles you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 2.49098e-10 = Result in square miles

The sq in to ac conversion factor is 0.00000016
1 sq in = 0.00000016 ac
To convert X square inches to acres you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00000016 = Result in acres

The sq in to sq yd conversion factor is 0.0007716
1 sq in = 0.0007716 sq yd
To convert X square inches to square yards you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.0007716 = Result in square yards

The sq in to sq ft conversion factor is 0.00694444
1 sq in = 0.00694444 sq ft
To convert X square inches to square feet you should use the following conversion formula:
X square inches × 0.00694444 = Result in square feet

Sq in conversion chart/table

1 sq in = 0.00000645 a
1 sq in = 6.91938e-12 township
1 sq in = 0.00000159 sq ch
1 sq in = 0.00002551 sq rd
1 sq in = 0.00006944 sq
1 sq in = 0.01594225 sq lnk
1 sq in = 1000000 sq mil
1 sq in = 6.4516e-10 km²
1 sq in = 0.00000006 ha
1 sq in = 0.00064516 m²
1 sq in = 0.064516 dm²
1 sq in = 6.4516 cm²
1 sq in = 645.16 mm²
1 sq in = 2.49098e-10 sq mi
1 sq in = 0.00000016 ac
1 sq in = 0.0007716 sq yd
1 sq in = 0.00694444 sq ft

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